Monday, November 23, 2009

theo and shiloh the dogs air base

the very smart and sneaky dogs who work at jeepers and scooter's hotel resort, just got done building a very large human and doggie u.s air force base, with 700 million fighter bombers and 700 million fighter jets and 600 harrier fighter jets ,along with 800 black helicopters here at this air base.
it has 10,000 hangers and 30,000 jet runways and also 400 flight control towers and the very air denfense and also, hidden nuclear misslie silos, fulled thousands of misslies armed with nuclear, just in a case of major attack by nasty villains.

dottie, kerrie and terri opened a doggie travel agency

dottie, kerrie,terri and molly's friend megan and her sister named nicole , just opened together, a very large travel agency.
dottie, and kerrie will do all the paper work, megan ,and nicole and ellie who just came to work,here, will mostly make themselfs plane resevations ,to anyway they want to fly free.
megan, dottie, ellie, nicole, and kerrie, have their own desks to sit in .
the doggies named chula and sally will work at the computers here and hack into computer sites,they should not be doing.
this travel agency is open 24 hours, a day, 7 days a week.
very important doggies and human installed a emgerncy youth shrink ray, to make dottie or anyone here younger,intill they turned back into 10 year old little girls again.

tracy and austin -sharpshooters

molly's friend,named tracy and austin are both Los angeles police deptment undercover s.w.a.t sinpers, who both good sharp shooters will be at the wedding, both of them, will be in hidding places, where the 2 of them can shot and kill any nasty villians, who might be at the wedding.

the octomom's plans ahead

the octoman plans to wait intill that very wedding starts at jeepers wedding room party area, where lex luthor and harry hudd and the joker have her giant youth shrink beamed into the room.
the octomom plans to use the youth shrink ray, to molly's friend megan and her sister nicole, to make them both start getting younger,in till they both are turned back into 10 year old little girls,again.

big trouble coming

doggie u.s army black hawk helicopers on routine partol flying jeepers and scooters hotel resort phone reports about sightings of nazi army troops and their army tanks ,and world war-2 nazi german aircraft have forword in time,from out of time-warp-worm ground displaced,casused by lex luthor and harry mudd,where sent to help the lex luthor and harry mudd and darth vador and storm troops take over jeepers and scooter's hotel resort and rest of the planet -earth.
the octomom aka nadya suleman was in hotel room, drank some of her own youth serum, to make start getting younger and turn herself into a 10 year old, to pose as one of her many.
the octomom has future plans to molly 's megan and her sister nicole taken prisoner, and turn them both back into 10 year old girls to make them both go back to grade school or intill she is ready to turn them back into full grown woman.

megan fox and jessica simpson are here

megan fox and jessica simpson were spoted in the hotel lobby here, by molly's friend megan, who called doggie serurty to keep a eye on them, while their here.

audrey peters will doing a photo shoot here

famous french actress audrey peters will doing a photo shoot, here at the opened enterntement picture photo picture taken, audrey will wear a towel during the photo shoot and wear a bathrobe and later a swim suit.
there are no partly nude photo shoots at this enterment place, becasuse mr.jeepers and scooter have to permission to do, which will mostly not happen.
audrey peters will attending that fancy wedding at jeepers and scooters hotel resort.

anna jones a friend is here

anna jones is here at heath spa, wearing bathrobe watching sports on the heath spa's hd giant screen tv sets, anna jones plans to go into molly and terri 's hidden room, where molly stores her youth serum bottles, anna jones plans to go in there, after she gets hair touched at the doggie hair saloon, once anna jones gets done getting hair by a exert doggie hair named bella,the dog, anna plans into molly's and terri's hidden room, and first let her hair, and wait for katy duncan a rap singer is about 25 year old, with a fancy singer named paula smith, who is about 25 years or 30 years old, will all drink that youth serum and become 10 years old little girls again.

doggie police sub station at heath club

mr.jeepers had a doggie police sub station next to terri and molly new heath spa, just any doggies or humans get grabbie with molly and terr.
there is a hidden room, at the heath spa, which is where molly and terri have their 50,000 bottles of fountain serum, if they need to make a early exit.
where both molly and terri can make selfs younger again, by drinking their youth serums, to be turned back into ten year old girl, and change into clothes that will fit them both while their childern.
molly and terri, will leave through a back exit to waiting limo, which will drive molly and terr to elmerty school, to as 10 year old little girls, and stay, intill it safe for them to turn a 25 year old and 22 year old full grown woman.

molly's and terri's human and doggie heath club

with mr.jeepers permission, he let molly's dogs francis and georgie with lots of ex-doggie help, just got done building a heath club, which a spa, seam room and massage room and tables and important needed things for it.
there are lots of hot tubs, sauna, nurserys, doggie day care centers and newly build grooming room, where terri will work.
its open 24 hours a day ,7 days a week.
it has a giant parking lot with plenty of parking spaces .

doggie and human friends who be at the wedding.

hugazly,the dog, benji, the dog, charlie and ripley the dogs, lizzie and chula and peanut and scooter the dogs, along with molly, megan, terri, nicole, tracy, austin, and also havi and missy a friend of molly, who owns a dog named succo will also be.
jeff, molly's boyfriend will be his on a police stakout, with 70 doggie police s.w.a.t team members for coujo the nasty deranged psycho doggie to come out with his paws up.
cujo, the dog is holding up in his doggie hideway shooting her doggie m-16 machine gun, at the human and doggie police offcers outside, who are armed heavy machine guns and dog treats.
there are 200 police helicopers over coujo's hideout.

jeepers and maggie-the dogs chruch

jeepers and scooter and baxter the dogs,help build a very large doggie chruch here, which took 6 months, becasuse of too many doggie breaks.
mr.jeepers and starbuck the dogs set up a memeral servcie for the passing of maggie-the dog, who was loved by other doggies, her human family and many human friends who love spending time, with her.
maggie the dog, may of been very loud and cranky, but she was a very happy dog.
starbuck is the newly named preacher at the chruch.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

terri was in the main hotel office

terri was turned back into a 10 year old, little girl again, terri was transported to the place she works as doggie legal aid, terri beamed into a bathrobe and drank an to antote to the youth serum, that drank that made younger and turned back into 25 year old woman, with her,wearing her down.
when she done, with she will drank more and start getting young again and back into a 10 year old girl, and go back to elemerty school.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

terri is made younger again

terri drank a youth serum, mixed with ice tea and coke, which turn terri into a 10 year old, little girl,again, she used to be a 25 year old full grown woman.
but terri was wearing her clothes while she drank it.

terri and austin visits

terri and austin visit jeepers hotel resort.

the doggie police department called

molly runs after cujo,the psycho dog, and chases after him, but he gets away, by going up to the roof of the hotel, and picked up in another blackhawk heilcopter flown by harry mudd and his nasty doggie gang.
molly and regina had sit on the couch in regina's hotel room, waiting for the doggie police dept ment to show up to fill out a doggie police report and eat lots of dog treats.

molly came to the rescue

molly wearing her fancy bridesmade dress, carrying a 2 9mm pistols in her hands, molly was wearing her hair down, molly saw the cujo, trying to the shower door and see regina naked, but cujo, had regina found a ex-bathrobe over the shower, she put the bathrobe cover her naked body, but a whole lot of water, came flooding out of the door, regina opened up the hiden compartment inside the shower walls, regina, took out a 44 magnum pistol and started shooting at the psycho dog named cujo, regina fired more than one round at him.
molly fired her 2 9mm pistols in both hands and was able to shot and wound cujo,the dog in one of his front paws.

the new singer named regina came

a brand singer, named regina moore is a 29 year old, singer from pitsburgh, who was flown here by doggie lear jet, which just landed at mr jeepers and kierier international airport.
regina is here in her hotel room, a very fast shower, in her bathroom.
a very nasty psycho doggie cujo, the dergraned doggie, he brought her doggie $700 million dollar camera, to take nude photos of regina, molly got permission from mr.jeepers and doggie us army hugaley and scooter the silly and very loud was very barking at the guests for the wedding.
molly was able to put and hide a 44 magum hand gun in a sercet compartment of regina, regina was a naked woman, taking, a shower, all of a sudden ,regina started to a loud bang and the door to the bathroom, was broken down, by cujo, the psycho dog ,who wanted by the mr.jeepers police dept and the

strange cloud of doggie radiation

during the day of rachel johnson and her agent husband, which being set up by many help full doggies, which were in cash and dog treats, so they put some of their cash money and dog treats in ozzie and zucy's dogs newly opened 120 stories , with 60 sercure bank safes.
there are many 200 doggie bank guards guard it, 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Friday, November 20, 2009

new concert hall

singer named regina smith who is 29 years, she be singing at the newly coneert hall and at that big fancy wedding being at jeepers and scooters hotel resort.
regina smith was paid 3 million dollars in dog treats to be here.

starfleet comand starship in earth's orbit

startfleet comamand got a request for help from doggie army col, hugazely and mr, jeepers and scooter the dogs.
startfleet comamand sent the star ship the defiant to the planet earth in the year-2009, to be in earth orbit and sent a landing in one of their shuttle crafts, which will land at jeepers and scooter's newly build space center landing area.
captain benjaimin sisko, miles o'brien, LT comamander wolf, ensign roe lauren and dr.bashir and also dr.beverly crusher and LT commander data, with some doggie starfleet crew to help their shuttle craft after it lands on earth, in the year 2009, they here to help protect everyone one here.

molly is brought back to 2009.

doug and tony were able to bring molly back forword in time , from 1987 to 2009, doug and tony fixed the computer glictch in the time tunnel control panel.
molly started older during her time travel to theyear, 2009.
molly walked out of the time tunnel platform a full grown 22 year old wearing her bridemaids dress.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

molly gets ready to get younger again,

doug and tony working behind the controls of the time machine, sent molly back to 1997, but something went wrong molly geting younger and was turned back into a 10 year little girl, again, becasuse of a power surge back in 2009.

molly has her own youth chamber here

molly, climbs down the doggie ladder here, under jeepers and scooter's hotel resort, where molly puts and slides a fake credit card to enter her underground headquarter and youth transformer, which is well proctected from a nuclear missile attack from Iran.
molly, says hi, to all the doggie government agents for her, who opreate the control panel.
molly, goes into her hidden dressing room, takes off her fancy dress and bra and underwear, molly is only naked for a short time, molly takes, a shower, she had a doggie alarm system set up, to alert her about sneaky doggie staklers trying to take shower, with molly ,while she naked in the shower, once molly got done talking her shower, grabed a bathrobe to put on ,so no one would see molly, naked.

molly and megan take turns being greeters

molly and megan work different shifts , as greeters and hosts at this coffee shop and resuarant , all in one.
molly has to wear fancy dress, while she works here, she has to left early, through a underground tunnel, to the parking lot, where all the doggies, cats and human park,their very fast sports cars and very large suvs.
there is serect hidden enterance hatch or door, while molly opens to climb down a doggie ladder, to her hidden headquaters.

rusty and sadie new coffee shop

the dogs named rusty and sadie just got done building their new ex-coffee shop, which also serves and breakfast, lunch and dinner, serves beer and wine at lunch time.
other friendly dogs named miss dixie monroe and chula, work in the kitchen cooking all the meals made and served here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there are over 100 doggie waiters and waiteress, that work here.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the texico gas station is done being build.

the doggies named mr.jeepers and herbie the dog, with help ,from other dogs, got done building their new texico gas station.

Monday, November 16, 2009

work on the texico gas station

a very large truck stopped by ,to bring the needed gas pumps and gas station sign, which will the doggies named mr.jeepers and herbie, and along with their doggie helpers, all night ,to install.
in another day, the texico gas station, being build here, will be quickly done being built.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Texico gas station being built

the very busy doggies named mr.jeepers and herbie and new doggie helpers named roscoe and buddy, help mr.jeepers and herbie the dogs, bring their bulldozer and dump truck, to help starting in a very large empty lot, to start building a very large and very big Texico gas station, which will 6 gas pumps, with full and self service avaablie here.
it will take these 4 very busy doggies ,a few days to finsish getting done building this new Texico gas station, which will have a mimi food store built next it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

jeepers and herbie have been very busy today

mr.jeepers and herbie the dog, are busy building some office buildings, which will take all night.
and into tommrow morning.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

jeepers and herbie start working tonight on city.

the dogs named mr.jeepers and his 2 new doggie friends named herbie and tonto would begin work on their very new large city, which will take of these dogs months to get done building.